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Your Maison 123 ready-to-wear shop
Maison 123 Jockey Plaza Lima
in Lima

Jockey plaza shopping center
Av. javier prado este 4200

Lima LB



From 16 March 2020

Dear customers,

Due to the exceptional circonstances that we are facing, our thoughts are with you and your loved ones.

In accordance with the government's announcement and to keep you and our teams safe, we have decided to close all our stores until further notice.

Your website www.maison123.com is still open et we will be able to deliver you safely.

Despite the distance, our customer service Maison 123 remains near you and is able to answer your questions via email at webcustomerservice@maison123.com.

Maison 123's team

Your store Maison 123 Jockey Plaza Lima

Parisian elegance, inimitable suits and glamorous dresses

The quality of the materials, the attention to detail and the precision of the finishes are what make our brand's reputation.

In Maison123 stores, we attach very great importance to the quality of your welcome.
The sales hostesses are there to assist you: they will advise you and present outfits and accessories that suit your style and your wishes.

Whether you're looking for a suit for work, a casual-chic silhouette, a more sophisticated dress or outfit for a special occasion, come and see the Maison123 collections now.